FIMM Genomics Sequencing


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday

9:00h - 16:00h    

Biomedicum Helsinki 2

Tukholmankatu 8, Meilahti campus

Helsinki, Finland


Overview of Services

FIMM Genomics provides open-access DNA and RNA sequencing and genotyping services for scientific community in Finland and abroad. Our primary focus is in medical genomics and transcriptomics. Most of our services include primary analysis of the data.

We will help you design experiments and provide tailored solutions for basic and translational research. Our experienced staff is implementing novel technologies and assays to match your needs. Our goal is provide state-of-the-art DNA sequencing services for the scientific community in Finland and abroad. Our services rely on experienced expert staff and market-leading NGS platforms NovaSeq6000 and MiSeq personal sequencer. These platforms enable a wide range of sequencing applications from massive genome scale analysis to rapid targeted experiments of selected genomic regions.

FIMM Genomics Sequencing services

Sign in to browse NGS services and to submit a service or quote request.

FIMM Genomics Genotyping services

To access targeted and genome-wide genotyping services see Genotyping Unit website.



FIMM Genomics is a non-profit academic core facility. We are part of HILIFE Genome Analysis Infrastructure and a member of Biocenter Finland Genome-wide methods network. FIMM is a member of EU-LIFE alliance. 


Login Credentials     


HAKA federated authentication.

Preferred way to login to FIMM Genomic Core iLAB is to use HAKA authentication. HAKA is the identity federation for the Finnish univerities and research institutes. HAKA is operated by CSC.

iLAB user account

When your host institution is not a member of HAKA identity federation click 'Register' and we'll  create you the credentials for accessing iLAB Core Facility management system. These iLAB credentials are separate from your host organization.



Sari Hannula, NGS Project Manager

Aino Palva, NGS Service Expert

Pirkko Mattila, NGS transcriptomics & Head of Single Cell Analytics

Tiina Hannunen, Amplicon Services Manager
Emma Saarinen, Single Cell Analytics Service Expert
Minna Tuominen, Capillary sequencing services



Links and Resources

  1. Sequencing laboratory website
  2. Genotyping laboratory website


Name Role Phone Email Location
Sari Hannula
NGS Project Manager
Biomedicum 2U FIMM

Browse available services

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Preprocessing (8)
NGS Genome Analysis (21)
NGS Transcriptome Analysis (6)
Illumina sequencing (FIMM) (23)
ABI3730xl assays (3)
